Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am about to head to work at cp. I like my job, there are occasional frustrations, crazy, demanding christians, and the occasional "shame on you" comments from conservative fundies. But there are also perks, quiet nights sitting at the cafe, good friends and co-workers and lots of food and sweets. But a couple days ago I took on a new job at cp. And I have no idea what it entails and what I am supposed to be doing. The other day I just sat behind a desk and waited for someone to show up and tell me what to do. My boss is away so i can't ask her, and yet I don't want to ask her anyway because it seems silly I would be confused. I got a raise and apparently lots more responsibility but I am more confused than ever. I feel like George Kastanza heading to the workforce, and that's where you will find me probably wandering the store, or sitting behind the desk. Ps, it's my birthday... 24 today
love ash