Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Stress Before Christmas

The Stress breakdown. I have a head ache this morning and I think it has something to do with stress. Yesterday I walked in to an exam semi-cocky and largely ambivalent. I made myself comfortable sitting next to a few students I haven't seen in two months. My attendence has been beyond poor. I actually started scheduling shifts during my class time because I thought they were useless. My prof preached from a text book and had a multiple choice test pattern that was familar and counted on. A couple days before I realized I lost the text book, which sucks but I thought I could coast by with the multiple choice. Before this exam I sat pretty well for my mark. Moments before the exam I realized that people had binders and notes with them. Keeners I thought, probably getting some studying in before the test... or it was open book.... the next observation that confused me was calculators... where were are these graphing calculators coming from? My eyes scanned the room and they appeared on every desk... I looked down at my pen and lack of anything else and thought "OH shit". But I wasn;t licked yet. Some of these questions have got to be multiple choice and I can just guess. I won't pass but I will give it a shot. The exam was handed out, the other people at my table looked at me. "Wow she's confident" they must have thought. The questions were all math, no multiple choice... standard deviation! If anyone knows my math record they should no that I have never owned a graphing calculator, or graphed anything! I took Math 33, all I rememeber was long division, and what color of grad dress I should get! Those were the days!! So stunned I sat at my desk, looseleaf in one hand and exam in the other.
3 minutes in: I wrote my name on the looseleaf
5 minutes in: I scribbled out my name on the looseleaf
6 minutes in: I walked out. There was nothing I could do. I felt like a moron. Damn you Math 33. Stupid Psych statistics! I know it is totally my fault that I didn't attend this class, but it sucks when you are trying to graduate this year. There is a 50/50 shot I will pass... urrrrrgggg. Lessons learned attending 1/8 of a class does not insure success.