Saturday, January 14, 2006

January never ends....

This January has been insane. I have been exposed to more babies in one month than I have dealt with in my life. Pick me up, feed me, change me, put me on my stomach, hold me, don't hold me, and that was only Kev.... :) No life at Elizabeth House is intense. Imagine with me. Your in a creepy 4 story drafty house with seven teenage moms and there babies at the same time. Poor babies with ratty toys and no money and birth defects. I have been thrown up on numerous times and I am getting used to changing my shirt during the day. I have one teen who is overdue and may go into labor on my watch and it's scary, cause I have to take her to the hospital. We've had beat up girls, some who have been living on the street for months, no social skills, no boyfriends, no family and no hope. All their food is donated by the food bank, so it's often expired when the girls And me are eating it. It breaks your heart to be there...
On the plus side I'm getting to know how to parent, often taking care of 4, 3 month olds at a time. One baby in one arm and one on the knee. Kev has assured me that even though I often come home ranting about how much I hate my "job" that there is value in it. Right now I'm scheduled 217 hours/month at Elizabeth House and I'm still trying to hold my job at cp. I really hate RMC's 600 hr practicum garbage because it is so exhausting!
But rewarding...
In other news the girls had some Myntie fun on Friday night. Clubbing is definitely a once a year or twice a year kind of thing. Super fun, but super hard to get up this morning.
Also I still need to know about the cabin thing. Some people have paid and some haven't I just want some confirmation about it k?
Thanks peace out
the red headed nanny