Sunday, February 12, 2006

Some Ramblins

So I am graduating finally, from a school that in September of 2006 will no longer exist... talk about getting out in time. Yep Rocky has joined the league of bible schools in calgary that seek to destroy all competition and hockey rivalry and premote some type of monopoly superschool for everyone. Well Im glad my degree will be recognized....

Calgary Hospitals part 2. The herding process. I was at the childrens hospital for close to six hours last night and have come up with some new observations. Babies are way down on the totem pole. We went into emergency and stood in line with at least 30 other families for over an hour. Once through the line we were sent to large waiting room far away from emergency. I felt like I was left in the corral with over a hundred other cows waiting for the inevitable. After 2 shift changes and 5 hours later a nurse finally spoke to us and told us we could come in. I looked around the room and noticed that there were none of the same people around us. We were last... not admitted last but seen last....

Wow this blog is getting depressing. Ok, well I am seeing Shauna, Daron, Kev and Tav tonight so things are looking up. Oh ya and Italy is getting closer. So yea!! Ps, I miss all of you guys so much right now, it sucks, I really need a good friend pick me up. We gotta get together some time soon k

dont have babies in calgary