Sunday, February 05, 2006

Candle making 101

Okay, this post is for shauna who has forgotten how to make candles. Although we used to make them all the time... anywho.
candle receipe

parafin wax available at safeway (canning supplies)
crayons (crayola is brightest)
candle scent (walmart, michaels, sometimes dollar stores)
wick rope or wicks available at any craft store, or usually most dollar stores.
pop cans (for circle candles
jars (for jared candles)
1 ltr milk containers. (for square candles
old pot
clothes pin or pencil

heat parafin wax on stove with colored crayon till melted, pour into disposable container (pepsi cans work best ;) tie wick to pencil (or use clothes pin)and lay pencil across top of pop can. Centre it in the wax. Leave till dry, and remove popcan by cutting with scissors and peeling the aluminum.(easier than it sounds) For fast effects or multiple colors speed process by putting can in deep freeze. Once wax has hardened you can pour another color onto it.
****NEVER USE CRAYONS WITH GLITTER IN THEM*** Sticks to bottom of pot and engulfs in flames.(Remember the floor fire of 2002) Kristens floor was never the same...
Good luck